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Body Care

  • Aging with Eczema
    September 19, 2023

    Aging with Eczema

    While we often associate eczema with childhood, there's a growing understanding of how it can manifest and evolve in older adults. Research shared by the National Eczema Association has unveiled that eczema prevalence actually begins to rise again after the age of 60.
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  • Alternative things to help with your eczema
    September 12, 2023

    Alternative things to help with your eczema

    If you’re using steroidal creams, consider adding natural body care products to your regimen. They can powerfully complement your self-care routine, and reduce your dependency on topical steroids. It’s even better when integrated into a comprehensive eczema care plan that includes attention to your diet, stress levels, and physical triggers.

    Though commonly called alternative care methods, we also like the term holistic. The latter term acknowledges that what you’re seeing on your skin can be a symptom of imbalances in other parts of your body. Let’s talk about a few of them

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  • Why your skincare routine isn't working
    March 28, 2023

    Why your skincare routine isn't working

    A holistic approach to skincare helps maintain glowing, healthy recovery. The health of your body’s largest organ isn’t just dependent on the products you use, or your natural genetics. Ignite your skin care routine by paying attention to these supportive factors.
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  • How Eczema Starts
    October 25, 2022

    How Eczema Starts

    Usually, we start from the point of care—soothing symptoms, dealing with itching, and pressing on with life as best as possible. But when dealing with eczema long-term, prevention becomes necessary to your overall strategy. Successful prevention means knowing what’s coming next.
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  • What eczema cream is safe during pregnancy?
    October 18, 2022

    What eczema cream is safe during pregnancy?

    Hormone fluctuations can bring out eczema in people who’ve never had it, or significantly change existing symptoms. During pregnancy, the skin acting wildly can be overwhelming. Naturally, you want to ease your discomfort, but you want to make sure that it’s safe for your baby.
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  • Soaps versus Cleansers
    January 24, 2022

    Soaps versus Cleansers

    It can seem like just a matter of preference: soap or cleanser? They are different in their composition and depending on your purpose, one might just be better than the other. Yet, there is a third type: detergent, that should...

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