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Body Care

  • Did you know your diet can affect your eczema?
    December 13, 2022

    Did you know your diet can affect your eczema?

    We’re going to talk about foods to keep in your mealtimes to help with eczema and dry skin, and some anecdotal foods to avoid. Before we plunge into the tips, we acknowledge that while many have had great experiences with eliminating eczema through dietary changes, we don’t claim perfection with any method.
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  • Eczema & Psoriasis Body Care Cheat Sheet
    November 8, 2022

    Eczema & Psoriasis Body Care Cheat Sheet

    Sometimes, the list of things to identify, consider, avoid, and use becomes so long and complicated that creating a routine is like an enormous project of its own. Our focus on helping you find your healthiest, happiest skin means that we empathize with the challenges. 
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  • How Eczema Starts
    October 25, 2022

    How Eczema Starts

    Usually, we start from the point of care—soothing symptoms, dealing with itching, and pressing on with life as best as possible. But when dealing with eczema long-term, prevention becomes necessary to your overall strategy. Successful prevention means knowing what’s coming next.
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  • What eczema cream is safe during pregnancy?
    October 18, 2022

    What eczema cream is safe during pregnancy?

    Hormone fluctuations can bring out eczema in people who’ve never had it, or significantly change existing symptoms. During pregnancy, the skin acting wildly can be overwhelming. Naturally, you want to ease your discomfort, but you want to make sure that it’s safe for your baby.
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  • Where can you get dermatitis
    September 27, 2022

    Where can you get dermatitis

    One also can’t “just” get over it as if it’s a temporary scratch. It’s often an ongoing part of life and one that vastly affects your mood. We understand how frustrating it is that the exact cause of eczema is unknown. Knowing that immune function, genetics, and lifestyle all play a part is helpful but also leaves unanswered questions.
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