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Natural Sea Sponge

Natural Sea Sponge

Natural Sea Sponge

Sea sponges are beloved in body care for their pliable structure, varied textures and ability to both exfoliate and cleanse without stripping the skin. It falls between the coarseness of a loofah and the texture of a washcloth. They can absorb enormous amounts of moisture. Holding the sponge gently, you can mildly scrub—then, squeeze for a waterfall of soap and warm water to gush forth and rinse out toxins.

By the time a sea sponge has arrived in your bathroom, it has departed its first life and original habitat.

Sea sponges are living ocean organisms that live in both freshwater and saltwater oceans. Just as unique as any other kind of living creature, they exist in a variety of shapes, textures and sizes.

Their individualized structure of canals and pores has been adopted by humans for cleansing purposes for thousands of years. In their natural underwater habitat, sea sponges use their pores to filter water, gases, and chemicals as part of their life cycle.

Today, the plastic scrubber you use in the kitchen or bathroom is named a sponge, after the original sea creature that inspired it.

These soft elastic skeletons of certain species of the class Demospongiae: Spongia officinalisHippospongia communis, and S. graminea are ideal for bathing because they are long-lasting, retain their shape and do not gather mildew.

Why Use Sea Sponges?

Plastic sponges, loofahs (also named after a vegetable, but nowadays synthetic), and other non-natural wash tools are often too harsh for most bodies. They not only remove dead skin cells! They also scrub away healthy skin and strip off the skin's moisture barrier. Finally, they're not biodegradable.

The natural alternative of sea sponges not only meets sustainable goals but provides a softer, more healthy clean. Sponges are harvested sustainably, in a way that allows them to grow back in the ocean. As they originated from water, sea sponges are easy to clean and can last for years when well-maintained.

How to Use a Sea Sponge Right

  1. Inspect the sponge. Begin by examining the sponge gently, looking at how it's shaped and considering which sides you want to use for your body. You can use scissors to cut away parts that you don't like.
  2. Do the first wash. Saturate the sponge with water and soap and repeatedly squeeze. This cleanses the natural product of any impurities that may have settled in its pores before it arrived at your home. Rinse thoroughly, and hang up to let it completely dry.
  3. Rinse in warm water before cleaning. Wet the sponge in warm water as you step in the shower or bath. Once it's dense with moisture, pump in a few drops of shower gel or add the lather from your bar soap.
  4. Scrub gently on the body. Start with body parts that need a lot of exfoliation, like feet and move your way upwards until you find the right firmness needed for your unique skin condition. Take your time—with a sea sponge you can experience a gentler pace.
  5. Rinse clean. Always thoroughly rinse it free of soap and your dead skin residue before storage.
  6. Hang up to dry, preferably not in a moist place. To prevent bacterial growth, always hang the sea sponge in a dry space and let it dry out completely before the next wash.

Uniquely sourced from the Caribbean and Mediterranean

We sustainably source our sea sponges from two locations, the Caribbean and the Greek Mediterranean area.

They're hand-processed—what that means is, they were harvested by hand from the sea and labour-dried, reducing CO₂ emissions in production.

Our PW Sea Sponge from Greece has slightly larger pores, provides a deep cleanse, and has a fine texture.

Our G Sea Sponge from the Caribbean has relatively smaller pores, removes dead skin effectively, and cleanses powerfully.

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