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Does Winter cause dry skin?

Does Winter cause dry skin?

Have you noticed that the winter just seems hard on you in general? Sore limbs, dry hands, and a stuffy nose are all too common. Winter’s effects on your skin can be roughly categorized into two types: external and internal.

External effects include:

  • Decreased humidity
  • Cold temperatures
  • Dry air caused by indoor heaters
  • High UV exposure during winter sports, like skiing

Internal effects include:

  • Fatigue or illness
  • Increased alcohol consumption
  • Increased consumption of foods high in sugar and fats
  • Stress buildup from the overall year
  • Altered sleeping patterns

In reality, how your skin is doing is a combo of what’s going on inside and out. During the winter, you need to modify your approach to keep looking and feeling fresh until spring. Here are 5 tips to help you keep feeling good all winter.

  1. Watch your eating habits. Days upon days of rich, holiday food and family celebrations can have you deeply satisfied and yet simultaneously pushed beyond a healthy limit. During the off-times outside of social obligations, keep it simple. Drink lots of water, eat plant-based foods, and exercise some portion control to make up for large celebratory feasts. Add more warm meals to support your core body temperature and maintain circulation.
  2. Pay attention to your gut. The gut-skin axis describes the relationship that our skin has to our gut microbiome. When things are off in our digestive systems, the skin shows it. It can appear as breakouts, skin sensitivities, conditions acting up, and other irregularities. As the days go shorter and colder, and festivities warm up, you might find that your daily patterns are altered. Pay attention to whether you are eating meals at regular times, and check if your bowel movements are regular. If things feel off, try to get back on track. This helps your body function stay healthy, which will reflect on your skin.
  3. Manage hot-cold extremes. Extreme cold will draw out moisture from the skin and make it chapped. Extreme heat (like blasting a furnace) does the same thing. So, moderate your temperates where you can, and use moisturizer as a buffer. During the winter, stick to oil and wax-rich moisturizers, especially when you’re going out into sub-zero conditions. If your environment is below freezing, applying a fresh layer of water-based moisturizer can actually feel painful. The water content can freeze and expand on your hands, making them red and raw. Don’t take super hot baths right after coming indoors from a chilly night. Start at lukewarm, so that your skin’s barrier is maintained.
  4. Rest. Winter is a time of hibernation for many animals. Trying to exert yourself to the same degree you’re capable of in the long summer days is unrealistic. Flus and colds tend to run rampant. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Drink warm fluids and maintain a regular exercise routine—but don’t go out with sweaty skin and hair, or you might catch a cold! Letting your body rest is important. Sickness saps your resources and a runny nose can be the start of a red and irritated phase that lasts you all December.
  5. Moisturize. We can’t say this one enough. A solid moisturizing routine is your best friend. Start with gentle cleansing, then layer with a serum, before sealing it all in with a rich cream, formulated with plant-based emollients or occlusives, depending on your location. Do it every day without fail. You’ll find your skin’s resistance grows. It bounces back when you tap it, and shows less obvious signs of redness and cracking. Give extra care to spots that can get exposed, like ankles, cuticles, lips, the tip of your nose, and your neck.

Go for gentler soaps during the winter. Our Superfat Cleanser Set contains five cold-pressed favourites that not only give you a spa experience in the shower, help you maintain a healthy skin barrier. Let these soaps help you slow down and rejuvenate.

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